About two weeks ago, I was at home bored to death when I was blessed with a phone call from my good friend. Abby Lennon is the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life. I say beautiful because she is what I've been needing in my life. Her kindness, out-going attitude, calm demeanor, and strong connection with all things spiritual have helped me transition into my independent years in an ineffable way. Thus is why her phone call on that dreary winter afternoon ameliorated my indolent attitudes.
"ROAD-TRIP!!!!!!!!" we both screamed. And that was it, in a matter of seconds we had agreed on going on a much needed road-trip. The next thing I know I'm lying to my parents saying that i'll being staying at a friends house for the week, and taking the car out to New York to meet Abby and two of her friends whom I had never met before - Cuti and Israel.
The trip started early in the morning when we drove up to New Hampshire where we climbed a towering frozen water fall on a snow kissed mountain. Then we traveled west through Vermont and into upstate New York, where we met Israel's mysterious friend Pat who quit his job and life at an early age and decided to live amongst mother nature in his self-built shack, which had no address, heating, or plumbing. A true survivor. He graciously took us in from the bitter cold and chopped wood for his three dutch ovens. We relaxed from our journey, read, ate, smoked, talked, drank, got fucked up, crashed, cooked, hiked, chopped wood, collected spring water, and so on. Eventually we said our good-byes and parted. We drove all night to get back home in time before my parents found out that I was lying about my whole week to them, and the next thing I know I'm sleeping in my warm bed at home with a smile on my face to end a dream and to start a new one.
Living is the message that I extract from my adventures. Finding my toothbrush that I packed for this road-trip - unused - was comical reminder to me that I had not washed myself for an entire week! Why? Because I was too busy!
Life is far too short to care about anything; yourself even! I'm not trying to tell anyone that they should stop brushing their teeth to truly appreciated the joys of life, but I want everyone to know that consistency becomes monotonous. And being a lazy, boring couch potato isn't anyway to appreciate anything. Never give up because there's always hope for something better. And in not trying to hard or not worrying about something - being accepting of all things - the riches will always come. Search and you will never find. Because everything is right under nose.
Cleanse your spirit. Don't brush your teeth!